Monday, April 12, 2010

Menu Plan Monday 4/12 - 4/18

So, yesterday, my Picky Eater announced to me that she thinks she's a vegetarian. A vegetarian that likes bacon and sausage and tacos.

I was under the false assumption that breast-fed babies were less picky later in life than their forumla-fed peers. I don't know where I got that idea from, but all along, I believed it. And she did prove to choose healthier foods than her forumla-fed big sister, opting for apples and grapes over candy most days, and reaching for water when thirsty instead of juice, milk, or other beverages. But she is so picky! Would you believe that she turns her nose up at Alton Brown's macaroni and cheese? She doesn't like cheeseburgers or hot dogs. She loves salad. She doesn't like meat loaf or steak. She doesn't like chicken. Not even chicken nuggets, homemade or otherwise.

I told her that I am more than happy to let her eat a vegetarian diet (plus the occasional bacon and sausage and tacos) if she's willing to try new foods and eat her vegetables. She agreed to give it a go! We discussed which veggies she likes, and which meals she'd like to try. So slowly, we're going to revert to a mostly vegetarian diet, I think, with meat as an accent to our diets. We'll eat a mainly ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. Except that we have planned for the Hubs to go get us a wild boar this fall. Good thing she likes bacon, huh? ;)

Here's the plan for the week:

  • fruit & yogurt with granola
  • oatmeal
  • Cheerios, since the grandparents left a box here
  • pancakes
Lunches will be leftovers most days.

  • Lentil Loaf, sweet carrots, berry compote, and yeast rolls
  • Baked spaghetti and garlic bread
  • Black Beans and yellow rice with cornbread and green beans
  • Quiche, French Toast, and fresh fruit
  • Real meatloaf, vegetable "fried" rice, and green beans
  • Salad, sandwiches, fruit salad
  • Messy Lasagna, salad, and bread
Planned Baking/Other recipes:
  • Granola
  • Yummy Buggies
  • Banana Bread
  • Mini Sweet Potato Pies
  • and experimenting with food shapes
Bold denotes recipes I plan to share on this blog. See you throughout the week!

For more menu plans for inspiration, visit orgjunkie!


  1. For most of my son's growing up years, he's been weirdly picky, too - he was fine with chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, but he hated chicken and biscuits. And turkey. And he likes bacon, but not ham. Loves steak, but not roast beef sandwiches. I finally gave up trying to stay ahead of him! Now he's 21, and he hasn't starved - not yet, anyway (he's moving out of state for a new job next week, so we hopefully he'll be OK!)

  2. The menu plan sounds great! I'd love to know more about this "messy lasagna". :) Sounds like a real blessing that your "picky eater" makes healthy choices, at least! Have a wonderful week.

  3. I look forward to you lasagna post. I am thinking about making it this week.

  4. I have a picky eater to, my 12 yo daughter. Although she'll eat certain meats, it's very small portions. She's picky about what fruits and veggies she'll eat to, but at least she eats them, along with pastas and breads. I guess she eats healthy, just not to MY standards. :) Great sounding menu this week.

  5. I am noticing that older my boys get more they are willing to experience with food. The younger one is actually better then the older one.

    Love your blog. I found through Monday Menu Planning. I just started a link up for my Weekly Dinner Menu so come over and link up if you like.

  6. I must hear more about this "messy lasagna" sounds like something my family would LOVE!
