Monday, August 9, 2010

Menu Plan Monday -- First Full Week of School

I'm going to stop planning every meal, since the kids are in school and my husband is in school, too. They're both taking lunches each day, and I'm sharing lunch box details on my new blog, 360 Lunch Boxes. I hope you'll join me there.

Here is what I plan to make for dinner this week:

Monday: Kidney Beans Sofrito Americano; cornbread
Tuesday: Black Bean Tortilla Casserole
Wednesday: Vegetable-Stuffed Baked Onions with Salad and Bread sticks
Thursday: Homemade Spaghetti-Os & "Milk Shakes" (another smoothie, no ice cream involved)
Friday: Quiche & Toast & Fruit Smoothies
Saturday: Beef Burgundy with Egg Noodles & yeast rolls
Sunday: Steak Soft Tacos with salad

And here's my list of things I hope to get around to making this week:

  • soft sandwich bread
  • soft pretzels
  • cream puffs
  • danish
  • croissants
For more menu plans, visit every Monday. See you throughout the week for some great recipes!


  1. great meal plan and good luck with the first week of school!

  2. so will your husband have magic fairy wands too? (just kidding of course, that wouldn't go with his atkins diet!)

  3. Heather, he's been suggesting that he would like fancy lunches like the kids. I asked him if that wouldn't look funny, what with him being a Big Bad Mean Army Man and all. He replied, "You're talking to the man who took a pink lunchbox to work for a year." So he will be having funny lunches. Tomorrow, he's taking pink & purple tortilla chips. lol He's in stage 3 of Atkins now so he can eat almost anything in moderation.

  4. First day of school!? Gosh, when I was a kid you knew school would always start on the first Wed after Labor Day. Seems criminal to have to start in the heat of August. Oh well, it's not my problem is it? So I'll shut up.

  5. haha! that's funny about the lunchbox! hope he enjoys his princess wands!

  6. If your yeast rolls are from scratch I would love it if you posted the recipe sometime.
