Friday, June 11, 2010

An Award! And a warm welcome to new friends!

Look at what I woke up to this morning!

Joy of Desserts gave it to me! Thank you so much for viewing my blog as award-worthy! What a great feeling!

The guidelines for accepting this award are...
  • Thank the person/people who gave it to you.
  • Tell 7 things yourself.
  • Pass the award on to 15 bloggers, whom you have recently discovered, and think are fantastic.

 So, seven things about myself. Hmmm... I'm a fairly simple sort of gal, so it's going to be tricky coming up with seven new things I haven't yet shared, but I'll try...
  1. I can't cook fish. Not only do I hate the smell and taste of all sea, lake, pond, drainage ditch, and puddle creatures , I really can't cook it. It never comes out right. Probably because my heart's not in it. Because it's gross.
  2. I love tempeh (it's fermented soybean cake), but the way it's made really grosses me out. Essentially, it's controlled rotting. I can only consume tempeh if I don't think about the process. The same goes for cheese.
  3. I have a mildish dairy intolerance. I love cheese. Love it. And ice cream. And heavy whipping cream. And yogurt. And sour cream. However, after I eat the stuff, I am congested for hours. That can't be a good thing. I really want to get off the dairy.
  4. I can't/won't eat meat on a bone, veal, rabbit, venison, bison, ostrich, or any other exotic meat. I can't physically get the fork past my lips.
  5. The first time I attempted gravy, I ended up with milky-colored water on top and a solid mass of cornstarch cemented to the bottom of my pan. To this day, I don't know what I did wrong. That was 12 years ago. Yes, I've only been cooking 12 years. I'm only 31 -- a veritable baby!
  6. I always send extras in my children's lunchboxes so that they can share with friends. Because their friends always want to try their home-made lunch goodies, and I don't want my kids trading allllll of their wholesome, well-planned lunches for packaged, processed junk.
  7. It's hard for me to go out to eat and enjoy my meal, because now that I cook everything from scratch, restaurants don't measure up. I think it would be better for me to save my money and go out once or twice a year to a 5 star restaurant and be dazzled by creativity.
Whew! I did it....and managed to keep the focus on food, which is what my blog's all about!

And now, onto fifteen awesome blogs that I've recently stumbled across that are great!

  1. Laurie at Simply Scratch, who, like me, strives to make everything from scratch.
  2. Betty Crapper :o), because her name brings a smile to my lips and her honest writing is fresh and fun.
  3. Christy at From Glitter to Gumdrops. She's so creative. She doesn't know it yet, but she just posted the perfect gift for some of my Army friends who are moving away this summer.
  4. Megan at Confessions of a Bake-A-Holic, for her inspiring food photography and delicious recipes.
  5. Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, for her fun Cooking Thursdays meme.
  6. Anjanette at Eat from Your Pantry. Another blogger striving to serve and eat real foods. :)
  7. Susan at FatFree Vegan Kitchen for her delicious, healthy creations that anyone can enjoy!
  8. Keli at Feeding Four, for her awesome reviews, giveaways, coupon-sale match ups, freebies, and more!
  9. Yenta Mary at Food Floozie. She was on the Early Show for her award-winning cupcakes. Run. Go to her. Now.
  10. Hip Mountain Mama for her down-to-earth, green, natural way of living in the most beautiful state in the country (Yes, in my opinion), Colorado.
  11. Amy at Just Another Manic Momday, who writes about her adorable son and all things motherhood.
  12. Mickey at Monster Mama for her Kid-Friendly recipes
  13. Angela at Soap Mom's Kitchen. Check out her desserts.
  14. Jules at Stone Soup. Great pictures. Great directions. Killer recipes.
  15. The Answer is Chocolate. So crafty! Go congratulate her on 100 followers. :)
If you're visiting from a blog hop, thanks for stopping by. I will always follow back, so be sure to leave me your blog link in your comment so it's easy for me to find. Have a happy Friday!

Smart and Trendy Moms


The Girl Creative


Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Hi there. Thanks so much for the award and I'll work on passing it along. Have a wonderful day and weekend!

Yenta Mary said...

OMG, I am so, so honored to be in this company -- what a fabulous bunch of blogs!!! Thank you so, so much! I am humbled, truly. This has totally made my day, which has already -- at 10:17 -- been a Friday combined with a Monday, bleah!

Unknown said...

YAY!! Congratulations Michelle!

Paula@One Mom's Corner of the World said...

I love your recipes! I'm visiting from Blog Hop Friday. I signed up to be a new follower.

Xenia said...

Congratulations on your award! And have fun blog-hopping, it looks like you have quite a busy day planned. :)

Thanks so much for joining us for Friendly Friday, we are really glad that you did! Have a great weekend!

Laurie {Simply Scratch} said...

Thank you Michelle... I am so honored!! You are so kind!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hi, I am new follower from Friendly Friday. Hope you can drop by and follow one of my sites below:

Nostlagic Marveling
Spice Up your Life
Etcetera Etcetera

Join my giveaway for a chance to win $100 CSN coupon code - ends in 4 days at Obstacles & Glories

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I look forward to browsing all of your recipes :) New Follower!

Mellisa said...

Happy Friday! I am a Follower!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Friday Follow! Hope you have a great weekend!

Melissa said...

Congrats on the award!

Unknown said...

Following you back from Friday Follow Me!
Thanks for stopping by!
@tsue1136 on twitter

Kayni said...

hi. thank you for visiting my blog. i'm following you as well...maybe i can learn some cooking tips from you :).

happy friday.

Unknown said...

Thanks! How fun...
Have a great Friday

Unknown said...

Great blog! I will check your recipes!
Come follow me back :)

Anjanette said...

Thank you! Very sweet of you to think of me. :)

Mickey said...

Thanks so much! Sometimes I feel silly posting some of those recipes but my kids do eat alot :) so I have to constantly churn them out. I love how good you are at keeping it home-made. I will learn alot from you.
Thanks again,

Christi @ The Frugal Novice said...

Thanks for being a part of Friendly Friday, and for stopping by my blog! I'm now following you back through GFC. Have a wonderful weekend!

Joann said...

Hi, nice blog!! I am a new follower from Social Parade!!

Mickey said...

Couldn't grab that award, don't know why. I will try again later. Thanks Michelle!

Tiffanee said...

Stopping by from Friendly Friday!! Now your newest follower.
Have a great weekend!!

casey aubut said...

Thanks for following - I am your newest follower!

Michelle said...

Mickey, just right click, save as. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I'm following you back!

Roz said...

Hey There! I'm your newest follower from next door to you in South Carolina! I'm so glad to have found another foodie blogger! Can't wait to meet you through my blog too and learn more about your recipes! Bye for now, Roz (aka bella)

PS: Congrats on your award from Joy of Desserts.....she gave me my very first award and is a super sweetie!

Mhel said...

Oh sorry to hear about the lactose intolerance. I can only imagine your frustration with eating too much diary products when your away from home...

Hi! Im your newest follower. Glad to meet a fellow foodie thru FFF. Hope you could follow back, drop by, and say hi!

Krissy said...

Following from Friday Follow. I hope you can find the time to stop by my blog and do the same! Have a fantastic weekend.

Hillary said...

Thanks for following me. I look forward to reading your blog :o)

Lucy's Soup Can said...

Hi. Found you through Friday Follow Me, and I'm glad I did. I'm your latest follower. I think your blog is just a fantastic idea! Cheers,

Christy said...

Thanks for the award! What a sweet surprise! I'm glad you commented! Now following along on your cooking adventures, and excited to see what's next. :O)

Casey R said...

Hi, I'm a new follower from friendly friday.

Feel free to check out my blog:

Alison @ Welcome Sunshine Home said...

Hi! My hubby and I don't cook at home often enough (work commuters ugh) but have been making an effort to do more. I'm hoping you'll inspire us to keep it going.

I'm a new follower from Trendy Treehouse. Come visit and follow me too! :)


Christina said...

I so agree with no.7, not because the food doesn't measure up to mine(am still interning on the cooking front;))but coz now i know how much money am throwing away on things i can so easily eat at linking up through FF. Do visit my page@ http://underhizwings.blogspot.ubcom

Belly Charms said...

I am following you back from Blog Hop Friday.... On Saturday! Have a great weekend.

Mama Hen said...

Congratulations on your award! Hopping by from Friday's blog hop! You have a new follower! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick.

Mama Hen

Anonymous said...

OMG! Thank you so much for checking my blog and for the award. I am so honored to be included with all these other awesome blogs. Congratulations on yours. I will be following your lovely blog!

Unique Baby Gear Ideas said...

Hi there, I'm a new follower just stopping by on Blog Hop Friday (even though it's now Monday afternoon...ok I'm running behind and speaking of how gross fish can be...I ate a can of sardines for supper last about BLECHHHH...!

I know you're busy but when you get a minute would you PLEASE enter my 1st Vera Bradley Giveaway that I have going on right now!

And follow me back on my blogs?


J Claire

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Kudos for #6, and we are the same way for #7. :-)

Nicole said...

Very cool! Love your blog and love that its all about cooking! I'm working on cooking more myself, so I'd love to learn more about your recipes! Stopping by and following from the Friday Follow!

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